I'm 34/ born on 09/24/1972, I'm a SWM/I'm 5'9"/weigh in at 235 LB/Short blk. hr. - Army Ranger-styled crew cut/Clean-shaven/Big brn. eyes/wear size 13 boots/dress casually/Have lightly tanned skin/Wear glasses, with black colored frames/Wear a yellow & blk. watch/I have roundish facial features/Normally get around with a black mountain bike & bike trailer in tow. I'm Drug & Disease free. Please be the same *I'm no yuppie, & I'm not fancy, so please understand that I will not be willing to accept the "gold-digger" type of person, under ANY circumstances. My Personality Many people have told me that I have a very good sense of humor, & that I'm very easy to get along with. I love to make people laugh, & People generally like to have me around. I'm very polite, & I respect a woman's feelings; I take that very seriously, as I'd at least want to be dealt with, in the same way, in return. Last mid-November 2006, I've become 'saved' under the Holy Spirit of God, through Jesus Christ. At this point, I'm faithful to Jesus Christ, so I have to ask that you please be of the same faith just because if you're not, it will be too uncomfortable for you, if I start to pray for you under the doctrine of the New & Everlasting Covenant. You'll not know why I'm doing it, you'll feel out of place, & alien to this glorious belief system; as well as extremely uncomfortable. -- I've been healed under the power the Holy Spirit; He's healed my right ankle, emotionally, as well as dental troubles. -- NO-NO's -- *NO homosexuals, *NO Devil worshipers-UNLESS you are serious about asking me to help you abandon the evil works of satan & UNLESS you WILL renounce hom under the Holy Spirit of GOD the Father, through Jesus Christ. NO exceptions, OK? *NO married women/Separated women, *You must not be attached to any man in a sexual way/still be in love with any other guy. *NO sexual teasing, unless you follow through with it. I say this respectfully, and as you respect my feelings on that. I'm very affectionate, & I seek the full benefits of a serious adult relationship. My Attributes *Dependable *Trustworthy *Drug & Disease Free *Monogamous *Polite *I believe in chivalry *Very clean **I LOVE bare female feet** My Appropriate Match SWF, meaning: Unmarried, or Single, or Widowed. / 23-35 years of age / 120-200LB / 5'-6'6" / Any color hair / Any color eyes / You must have excellent hygein -- & I would like to make very clear that I will not accept anyone who is neglegent of that, & smelly. Use soap, & be clean, please. OK, nobody's perfect, BUT ... You must be poite, act like a lady, be clean as mentioned above, & I ask that you please have a good sense of humor. Please -- NO miserable women. I will not accept anyone mean, cold-blooded towards my feeln's, or insensitive towards my feeln's as a man. My Location & Yours **I am only accepting responses from those of you who live within 100 miles of my zipcode here in Lancaster, PA, at my zipcode of: 17602. -- I will not give you the time of day, if you are not a citizen of the US, or if you live in another country. You must live here in the USA, & be a LEGAL citizen of the USA, if you are interested in a relationship with me. NO exceptions, & NO baloney! IF you are here in this country, on a "temporary VISA, GO AWAY." I'm not looking for that. NO good, it ain't happen'n.** Please get back to me at your earliest convenience so that we may chat a bit. Be well, be safe, & may GOD be with you.
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