Read this all carefully. I know it's long but then to me that's a good thing for you. I'm searching for lasting love, no time for games. First and foremost, I'm a child of God. I'm also a gentleman. I'm affectionate and want you to be. That probably makes me medium-maintenance, but then in my opinion, that's the way it is meant to be. I'm spiritual, loving, a veteran, and have character and integrity. As an author, I need some quiet and alone time. I volunteer at the hospital and love meeting new people. I love to read, research, ride my bicycle, kayak, and walk under the stars with a special someone. I'm romantic, always have been, and I hope you can reciprocate. Alternately, I like to give my woman her alone time for shopping or having coffee with the girls. I have never cheated and never will. I've dated a lot and I'm not afraid of commitment or love. I'm excited and positive about each new day. I like to talk and I'm a good, active listener. I enjoy several types of music, and watch movies, but I'm not addicted to either. I do like the cinema, theatre, photography, and museums. I was once an artist. I also once owned a business building toys and dollhouses for children. My dream was to be published and it happened. Dreams do come true. I don't need to have background noise going all the time. I like peace and quiet. I own my home and keep it simple and clean. How many bachelors can say that!! I'm also financially secure. I eat well, like to cook, enjoy movies at night with popcorn and cuddling. I know how to cherish a woman. I like to dress well whether out or at home. I have a good sense of humor, enjoy most all kinds of foods, like to dine out, play my guitar, and sing. My happiness comes from my spirituality. I have a little cat named Nitro, a year and a half old, and he's just as loving as I am. I rescued him and he remembers that. We have a very close bond. But I'd like to have a close bond with you. I will give up writing time to be with you. I will always be there when you want or need me. I'm not a big fan of chemistry because you really have to get to know someone before you automatically rule them out. Books have been written on this subject. The very person sent to you could be the right one, and you won't know until you give them a chance and a little time. This applies genderwide. I ask the important questions right up front. I enjoy photography; I have a great camera. I don't have to be on the go all the time. In fact, I enjoy being home more than running around, though I do like to shop. I've already acheived a lot in my life so I'm not out to prove anything. I'm not self-centered, in other words-it's not all about me and having fun. There's more to life than just seeking gratification. God gave us love to share and give, not to hoard. I live my spirituality. I'm very sincere and rarely moody, never angry. Being positive, and knowing yourself makes life so much easier. So does acceptance and forgiveness. I'm not arrogant or controlling. I have a healthy ego. I do enjoy watching a little football, plus working on bicycles and repairing things for the elderly in my community, but If you're looking for the macho man, pass me by. Real men love Jesus. Most of my family live in Michigan but we keep in touch. I miss them but not enough to go back to snow. I have two brothers living near me. One also volunteers at the hospital. I think by now you can tell I'm right-brained.The area in which I live is so peaceful and loaded with activities that I would likely not relocate. I consider myself very unique when lined up alongside other men. Perhaps you can tell that already. I don't put my best self forward at first and then change. That would go against my spirituality. I do not drive because of the medication I'm taking, but I'm still very healthy and get around just fine. And I workout about 3 times a week in our own workout room here at Club Wildwood. I own three bicycles, a kayak, and have the use of a golf cart to buzz around in. I continue to publish books and have been writing for almost 40 years. If you are intelligent, feminine, slender or slim, fairly good looking, and love God, contact me.
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