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  • Profile Picture of rosey123
    37 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Woman seeking Men
    "i am looking for my boo"

    I am really looking for a guy who's completely honest and sincere about his words and feelings who's ready for a long term relationship.who's ready to build up a family with someone real. i want a man who i know i can have faith and completely trust

  • Profile Picture of uhonly
    47 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Man seeking Women
    "Deep blue eyes that see to your soul"

    I am looking for casual dating and a good time. If it develops long term, I am happy with that, but I most interested in just meeting people and trying new things

  • No Profile Picture
    59 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Woman seeking Men
    "soulmate seeker"

    Definitley attractive,simple & old fashioned type of girl.Very much a realistic optimist.Tend to prefur forgien men over american men.Really whatever there is here for me will come when its time

  • Profile Picture of luv2smile2009
    69 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Woman seeking Men
    "looking for a handsome heart"

    Im a caring honest woman. I have a great sense of humor and affectionate. I am looking for a handsome heart and honest man.

  • No Profile Picture
    65 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of jeminii48
    71 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Woman seeking Men
    "53 is smart and sexy. r u paying attention?"

    I am seeking the love of my life. Looking is exhausting and I hate giving up. So here I go again. The man I want is honest, smart, kind, comfortable with himself; wants a strong independant woman; adapts easily to diverse friends and family and doe

  • Profile Picture of azchola
    37 years old
    Phoenix, AZ
    Woman seeking Men
    "Pretty Thick gurl looken for love"

    Im looking for sumone to make me smile and laugh and forget about all my problems in life. Its hard to find that one person that really loves you and someone to be by your side