Free Philadelphia personals

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  • Profile Picture of leogold35
    41 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "Looking for a woman to date and a serious relation"

    Hello my name is Leon, I am a nice person who is friendly, outgoing and easygoing. I am also open minded and understanding and have a good sense of humor. I am also fun to hang out with and I am looking for a woman who is attractive and good looking

  • Profile Picture of mizviki
    65 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Woman seeking Men
    "Back in the saddle again??"

    I'm looking for new friends and new experiences. Along the way I'm hoping to find a new love. I'm widowed for a few years now, and it's time to get back in the saddle again!

  • Profile Picture of cincin57
    67 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Woman seeking Men
    "A short mid age lady looking for a male friend ov"

    I am a mature mid age woman looking for a male friend over 50. I am presently learning ASL and Spanish. He have to have a great sense of humor, love to travel and grown children living away from home. A non- smoking, however he can drink occasionally

  • No Profile Picture
    39 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "looking to meet someone new"

    i am a 22 year old young man i am a student and work for city year i am looking to meet new people who are not from philadelphia

  • Profile Picture of thegentlemanleft
    37 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "i am the gentleman left"

    puertorican, 5.4 ft tall. i like to have fun with life and enjoy it. i need a woman with a life of her own who can support herself. im not picky into looks but...

  • No Profile Picture
    43 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "Shrek looking for princess fiona"

    Iam 25 yrs old and I have brown hair and eyes and I would like to find some one who is smart and funny and Likes me for me I should also mention that I am in a wheelchair and Would like some who does not mind being with me and like despite the wheelc

  • No Profile Picture
    39 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "lookin for love is hard so why try"

    All i can say is that i love being me

  • No Profile Picture
    48 years old
    Philadelphia, PA
    Man seeking Women
    "doesn't matter"

    5'10'' ,192 lb