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  • Profile Picture of smt73052
    72 years old
    Lancaster, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Geezer seeks Geezete, Object; Fun, Laughter, Love "

    I'm an old guy looking for an old gal that's tired of being alone. We can make one another's life sparkle again. We can add that touch of spice we haven't had for a while. Remember what it's like to have someone that thinks of you when you are apa

  • Profile Picture of trainertom
    75 years old
    Lancaster, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "Time, if you believe in.. oops, gotta go!"

    ah- well. i'm looking for somone reasonably close to my age(59) who's aware of & alive to life. continues to be fit, trim, and emotionally physically & spirtually passionate. Able to deal with a creative Gemini.

  • No Profile Picture
    49 years old
    Lancaster, CA
    Woman seeking Men
    "Full of energy, looking to have fun"

    Fun witty person with lots of energy, looking for fun and companionship.

  • No Profile Picture
    50 years old
    Lancaster, CA
    Man seeking Women

  • Profile Picture of mattkfc3s
    40 years old
    Lancaster, CA
    Man seeking Women
    "I will treat you good will you do the same"

    Im really easy going, take life as it comes, i try to enjoy the little things in life as much as the bigger picture, i guess im looking for friends and maybe a good partner. someone i can talk to, someone with goals in life. a sense of humor. a girl